
What If I Never Brick

What If I Never Brick

WIINB is a web application that predicts codeforces optimal rating. It currently has more than 400 upvotes on Codeforces.

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Sudoku Mobile

Sudoku Mobile

A sudoku mobile app with sudoku image recognition and sudoku solver.

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Snake Game AI

Snake Game AI

A snake game agent that was trained using Reinforcement Learning with Deep Q Network.

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CodeNection 2023

CodeNection 2023

CodeNection 2023 Problems and Solutions.

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Neural Network From Scratch

Neural Network From Scratch

A neural network with a fully connected layer and auto-backpropagation, implemented from scratch.

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Link is a social platform designed to facilitate seamless connectivity between individuals and their friends.

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Heco is a web application that recommends to users the most suitable healthcare facility based on their priorities. It utilizes machine learning models and web technologies to help solve the inefficient process of finding a suitable healthcare facility.

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Sudoku is a web application that allows users to play the classic Sudoku game at various difficulty levels. Additionally, it features a Sudoku solver implemented with a backtracking algorithm, enabling users to view solutions to puzzles and even receive hints for the current puzzle.

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Vizfy is a web application that visualizes user's Spotify data using the Spotify API. It displays their recent favorite tracks, artists, and genres and provides track recommendations.

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How's The Weather

How's The Weather

A weather web application that uses the weather forecasting API.

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MMLS Automater

MMLS Automater

MMLS Automator is a Python application that allows MMU students to automate tasks such as taking attendance during lectures without using their phones or accessing the link. It also helps users check for any new announcements on MMLS.

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Mazey is a web application that demonstrates the graph traversal algorithm through solving and generating mazes.

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Battleship is a web application for a single player game where user can place the ships strategically and attack the enemy's ship.

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Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe

A simple tic tac toe game implemented with mini-max algorithm.

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TimberResc Monitoring Web Application.

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