
Hello World! I am Yen Hong, also known as wyhong3103 online. I am currently a second-year Computer Science student. I enjoy coding competitively and building cool projects. Lately, my focus has been on data science and web development.

Tech Stack


Featured Projects

What If I Never Brick?

What If I Never Brick?

WIINB is a web application that predicts codeforces optimal rating. It currently has more than 400 upvotes on Codeforces.

Sudoku Mobile

Sudoku Mobile

A sudoku mobile app with sudoku image recognition and sudoku solver.

Snake Game AI

Snake Game AI

A snake game agent that was trained using Reinforcement Learning with Deep Q Network.



Heco is a web application that recommends to users the most suitable healthcare facility based on their priorities.

Featured Awards

Candidate Master on Codeforces

I have achieved the rank of Candidate Master on Codeforces, placing me among the top 4% of competitive programmers on the website.

Monash Coding League 2024 Semester 1 - Champion

A competitive programming competition held by Monash University's School of IT for all students in Malaysia.

Monash Coding League 2023 - Champion

A competitive programming competition held by Monash University's School of IT for all students in Malaysia.

Programming League National 2023 Open Category - 2nd Runner Up

An annual competitive programming competition at Universiti Malaya for all university students in Malaysia.

CodeNection 2022 Open Category - 1st Runner Up

An annual competitive programming competition by IT Society MMU for all university students in Malaysia.

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